Coronavirus Resources

A regularly updated list of COVID-19 related resources compiled by the GreyZone team. From the useful (are coronavirus tests covered by insurance?) to the entertaining (check out Rita Wilson’s spotify song list), and the scientific (which companies are testing vaccines and treatments?) our advocates are monitoring the local and national news daily for updates and tips on the Coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak.

COVID-19 Vaccine – What you should know

Give us a call at 206.900.0904 or send us a message if you need help or have questions about COVID-19. 

 (Video: Daron Taylor/Photo: Brian Monroe/The Washington Post)

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Section I: Reliable Resources

Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak (World Health Organization)

This is the main page for the Coronavirus from the WHO.  It includes the latest updates, protection, country and technical guidance, an outbreak situation dashboard, travel advice, media resources and much more.

Learn more here.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

This is the main page for the Coronavirus (COVID-19) from the CDC.  It includes how to protect yourself and what to do if you are sick. There are also resources for the community including Travel, Schools and Childcare, Businesses and Employers and Community and Faith-Based Organizations.

Get more information here.

2019 Novel Coronavirus Outbreak (COVID-19) (Washington State Department of Health)

Specific information regarding the state of Washington can be found here including a link to the state’s official website maintained by the state Joint Information Center. There is a call center number for specific questions and the up to date current situation in Washington by county, age, gender and the total individuals tested.

Who is at High Risk? (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

This page on the CDC website not only answers the question of who is at higher risk for severe illness, but also provides an easily readable overview on risk, preparation, stress and coping and other questions for older adults, people with HIV, people with asthma, and pregnant women.

Check it out here.

(Podcast) Sanjay Gupta, MD - Coronavirus: Fact vs Fiction (CNN)

The beloved doctor has a new podcast series to try and shed some light on the latest COVID-19 news everyday.

Listen to his podcasts here.

Notes from UCSF Expert Panel On COVID-19 Community Spread (DailyKos)

On March 10, 2020, a private panel discussion on COVID-19 was held between a group of experts from UCSF and the Chan Zuckerberg Biohub. Notes from that call were circulated by email and we personally received a copy of them.

A few days later, they were published online at various outlets. You can read the notes from the DailyKos page.

UCSF released an official notice about that email notes as well, which you can read here.

Section II: Testing

What Will Coronavirus Testing and Treatment Cost Me? (The Wall Street Journal)
A great article about what is the cost around testing and care at this time for COVID-19. Questions such as:
  • Is coronavirus testing free? Yes, most of the time but there are some caveats: 
    • “Your visit is free only if it results in a coronavirus test. If a doctor does procedures or tests to rule out the new virus and ends up not ordering a lab test for it, then you might still be on the hook for your copay or deductible” says the article.
  • Is COVID-19 treatment free?
    • No, it is not. Treatment coverage depends on your plan, as with any other treatment and hospitalization benefits. For those without insurance coverage, the usual out of pocket fees apply and costs could add up quickly.

Read the article here.

Health Insurers Waive Copays for COVID-19 Testing After More Infections (Newsday)

More than three dozen insurers said they would waive copays and other costs for testing, and the federal government announced testing would be covered as a mandatory essential health benefit for individual and small-group marketplace plans.

Read the article here.

Scarcity of Coronavirus Testing Continues to Stymie Washington as Disease Spreads (The Seattle Times)

Seattle Times reporters Mike Reicher and Sydney Brownstone explain how Seattle public health officials have been “chasing a disease that had a six-week head start”.  Filled with personal local stories, this article illustrates how a botched roll-out of CDC and Prevention diagnostic tests allowed the outbreak to spread.  Swamped health care systems with ever changing criteria on who to test continues to be a challenge.

Read the article here.

Section III: Research, Vaccines & Treatments

Stock Markets Show Hunger for a Coronavirus Treatment. But Don't Expect a Magic Bullet (The Washington Post)

“None of them so far has offered the magic bullet the world is seeking, and expectations need to be tempered, according to specialists.”

Access the article here.

70 Coronavirus Vaccines Are Under Development, With 3 Human Trials, WHO Says (Time)

Many coronavirus vaccines are in development across the globe, some of which are already being tested in human trials.

Access the article here.

Coronavirus vaccine: how soon will we have one? (World Economic Forum)

COVID-19 is new and scientists understand little about how it behaves and spreads. The cost of creating a vaccine to protect people against the new coronavirus will run into billions of dollars and could take many months.

Read the article to understand some of the reasons why, here.

WHO launches global megatrial of the four most promising coronavirus treatments (Science)

A drug combo already used against HIV. A malaria treatment first tested during World War II. A new antiviral whose promise against Ebola fizzled last year.

Read the full article here.

A Simple Guide to the Vaccines and Drugs that Could Fight Coronavirus (Vox)

This general interest American news and opinion site explains in an understandable way how the Coronavirus has grown to the pandemic it is and what researchers have done in the past that has helped and hurt the efforts being done now.  The article highlights the 7 vaccines and the researchers behind them that are in the forefront.  This article also covers the antivirals and immune system boosters to treat Covid-19.

Read the article here.

8 Biotech Companies with Vaccines in Development (Yahoo article)

Briefly, this article lists the 8 coronavirus vaccine candidates in development along with the sponsor, vaccine type and stage of development.

Read the article here.

NIH Clinical Trial of Investigational Vaccine for COVID-19 Begins (National Institutes of Health)

The first adult volunteers start a phase 1 clinical trial at Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute in Seattle.  Funded by the National Institutes of Health, this article highlights the details of the study, the biotechnology company, the senior investigator and how they reached this point so quickly.

Learn more here. - Daily Update of COVID-19 Trials

A search for COVID-19 trials turned up 143 studies on 3/24/2020 as shown below. On 3/31/2020, 239 trials were listed, a 67% increase in a week.

The link should update daily if you access it from here.

Section IV: Safety & Prevention

What Are the Risks of Food and Grocery Deliveries? (The Wall Street Journal)

As the new coronavirus keeps people away from restaurants and grocery stores, more people are turning to deliveries. What precautions should you take?

For sure avoid close contact with the delivery person, throw away the packaging and wash your hand thoroughly. As some studies show, COVID-19 can live on cardboard boxes and packaging for up to 24 hours, and 48-72 hours on plastic and stainless steel, those at high risk may wish to keep non-perishable deliveries at a different location like their garage for a few days before opening them up.

Read the article here.

How Soap Kills the Coronavirus

Soap really does make a difference in killing the coronavirus. How? Why?

Songs to Sing While Washing Your Hands for 20 Seconds (Jen Monnier on Twitter)

Sick of singing “Happy Birthday” twice?  Try these songs for a fun alternative AND to bring a smile to your day.

You Might Be Buying a Hand Sanitizer That Won’t Work for Coronavirus (ProPublica)

Price gouging is happening even with many hand sanitizer products that are not certified by the CDC as effective in killing the novel coronavirus.  This article also sheds light on many products that might be causing confusion. The bottom line is that a sanitizer MUST have a minimum of 60% alcohol.

Read about it here.

Make Your Wishes Known: Advance Care Planning (DocTalk - YouTube Video)

Planning for unexpected healthcare emergencies is important at any age. Help your medical caregivers and loved ones by letting them know your wishes in advance. Watch the video recording from the UW Valley Medical Center presentation on advanced care planning below.

Why Days 5 to 10 Are So Important When You Have Coronavirus (The New York Times) New

Tracking your daily symptoms can help you and your doctors make better decisions about whether a hospital visit is needed.

Read the article here.

7 Precautions You Must Take Before Going to the Doctor Amid Coronavirus (BestLife) New

As doctor’s offices begin to reopen, it’s important to take some extra precautions to keep yourself, the staff, and other patients safe during your visit. While social distancing isn’t really possible between you and your doctor during in-person visits, there are other measures you can take ahead of your appointment that will help keep you healthy. We talked with healthcare professionals about what patients should do before going to the doctor during coronavirus to ensure the safety of all parties.

Read the article here.

Section V: Information for Vulnerable Populations

CDC Tells People Over 60 or Who Have Chronic Illnesses like Diabetes to Stock Up on Goods and Buckle Down for a Lengthy Stay at Home (CNBC)

Updated Friday March 13th, this article from CNBC summarizes the recommendations from the CDC and what the trajectory of the outbreak will look like over time for those most vulnerable.  Includes video clips.

Learn more here.

(Video) Q&A Disability Considerations During COVID-19 Outbreak (World Health Organization)

A pre-recorded live video interview focusing on Q&A regarding disability considerations during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.

  • Are people with disability facing greater risk of infection?
  • Why, why not?
  • What can we do about that?

See the LinkedIn Video here.

How to Talk to Older Adults About the Coronavirus When They Are Not Taking It Seriously (CNBC)

If you’re a millennial or Gen-Xer with parents who are “baby boomers” or older, you might be wondering what this means for your parents in their 60s and 70s. It’s tricky territory for concerned adult children, on top of figuring out how to work from home while staying sane and managing childcare.

Read the useful article from CNBC here.

Section VI: Mental Health

Self-Isolating Alone? Animal Shelters Are Encouraging People to Foster a Pet During the Coronavirus Pandemic (Insider)

Being alone at home? Consider fostering a pet from your local shelter.

Read the article here.

Free Online Mindfulness Courses (Palouse Mindfulness)

Online Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) courses from Dave Potter, a  fully certified MBSR instructor by the mindfulness program at the University of Massachusetts Medical School and retired psychotherapist of 25 years.

Dave started teaching these courses in person in 2004 and then moved them to the online platform for anyone to attend free online.

Take a look here.

Social Distancing Can’t Mean Being Disconnected (CNN)

CNN offers this entertaining opinion piece on how to connect with others as a necessity for our mental health.  Strategies include scheduling “virtual hang time”, checking on neighbors, going outside safely and how to reframe our thinking.

Read the article here.

Is Worry About COVID-19 Disrupting Your Life? (Mayo Clinic News Network)

Dr. Sheila Jowsey-Gregoire, Mayo Clinic psychiatrist, offers these bullet point tips on what to do when worry about the coronavirus becomes disruptive.  For many, information overload spurs excessive worry and anxiety.

Read more here.

Q&A on Mental Health from WHO (World Health Organization)

Press play at the top of this page and watch a video that was live on March 10th from the WHO headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.  Mental health expert, Dr. Aisha Malek discusses the importance of a global response to the anxiety that people are experiencing and managing the stigma, fear and discrimination related to the COVID 19 pandemic.

Watch the video here.

Disaster Distress Helpline (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)

If stress gets too much, reach out to a professional at SAMHSA’s Disaster Distress Helpline. It provides 24/7, 365-day-a-year crisis counseling and support to people experiencing emotional distress related to natural or human-caused disasters. Support is offered through the phone, or text, in English and 100 other languages.

Learn more here.

7 Science-Based Strategies to Cope with Coronavirus Anxiety (The Conversation)

Actionable advice on how to deal with anxiety caused by the coronavirus epidemic from Jelena Kecmanovic, PhD, Adjunct Professor of Psychology, Georgetown University.

Read the article at

Coping with Stress (CDC) New

The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) may be stressful for people. Fear and anxiety about a disease can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in adults and children. Find ways you and your family can reduce stress.

Read more here.

Section VII: Entertainment

Rita Wilson’s Quarantunes for Those in Isolation (Spotify Playlist)

Actors Rita Wilson and Tom Hanks were diagnosed with Coronavirus while in Australia. Rita put together this list to get her through the quarantine period. Listen to her Spotify list below or here.

Seattle's Fun Livestreams to Watch During Coronavirus Social Distancing (seattlepi) New

Take a virtual stroll through various live streams offered from places like the UW Cherry Blossom’s to Seattle Symphony, Woodland Park Zoo and many others. See the list here or visit each link directly below.

See the University of Washington Cherry Blossoms blooming: 

Watch the Award-Winning Seattle Symphony from home: 

Visit the LiveConcerts stream, a Seattle-based platform that broadcasts live concerts on-location and showcases music videos of independent artists at

Or take a peek at the Seattle Aquarium Webcams to see what the Harbor Seals or Sea Otters are up to. 

100 Best Movies on Netflix Right Now (Vulture - March 2020)

A list of 100 movies selected movies with a short review for each one.

See the list here.

Here Are 450 Ivy League Courses You Can Take Online Right Now for Free (Free Code Camp)

Stretch your mind with these on-line courses from Brown, Harvard, Cornell, Yale and more.  Class Central offers these courses across multiple online platforms and the subjects range from Humanities, Art and Health to Engineering, Math and Computer Science.

Check out their courses here.

All the Virtual Concerts, Plays, Museums and Other Culture You Can Enjoy From Home (CNN Style)

Engage your artistic side by taking a virtual tour of a museum or concert.

Learn more here.

Six Fun Party Games You Can Play Over a Zoom Call (The Washington Post) New

In this period of social distancing, many of us are staying in touch with friends and family via the tiny cameras embedded in the fronts of our phones and laptops. But if you ever want to move beyond just conversation and recapture some of the spirit of in-person interaction, there are numerous games involving cards, phones and boards that can be played remotely — even if you’re not into online multiplayer video games.

With enough time and resources, almost any board or party game can be played via videoconferencing.

Read more here.

Section VIII: Travel

Here Are the States Restricting Travel from Within the US (CNN)

A list of states and their specified travel restrictions.

Read the article here.

Health insurance and travel (Office of the Insurance Commissioner Washington State)

Information about how different types of insurance coverage may be affected by the coronavirus outbreak in Washington state.

Learn more here.

Travel Restrictions, Flight Operations and Screening (International SOS)

This site is continually updated by the International SOS Security Services which is the leading medical and travel security services company.  Here you will find flight operations, screening measures, specifics about different regions of China and a table of restrictions by country.

Read more here.

Sea-Tac Airport, Major Airlines Launch Coronavirus Disinfection Blitz (Puget Sound Business Journal)

This short article explains the measures the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport has made to fight the spread of the Coronavirus.  This includes hand sanitizer stations and boosted cleaning protocols which are described in detail.

Read the article here.

Here’s How to Cancel Travel Due to Coronavirus (Forbes)

This easy to read Forbes article details how to get a travel refund for each specific airline, at a hotel, with your car rental company or for your cruise.  There are restrictions but article is a good place to start.

Read the article here.

GreyZone Health – Hope for Difficult to Diagnose, Rare, and Complex Medical Conditions. We offer patient advocacy services for those needing help battling their medical challenges and improving the quality of care they receive.

If you are confronting a complex medical condition, misdiagnosis, undiagnosed disease, need a second opinion, or help navigating the frustrating maze of healthcare today, there is hope. Contact GreyZone Health today, our professional patient advocates are happy help you.